Certification & Know-how

Certification & Know-how

Certifications play a very important role, especially in the sectors, where the quality of the material can affect human’s health or life. Built sector and load bearing construction materials belong in this group and a certification can help the investor (to be sure what he is buying), and architect or builder to specify technical characteristics of the material. HWZ International is proud to be the first company who has certified spruce rough sawn timber and laminated beams and the first who certified Cross Laminated Construction system (Novatop CLT) in South Africa.

The Czech Timber Institute has prepared a comparison on the European Spruce and various types of Pine which grow in South Africa (Information provided by SATAS). The European Spruce supplied by HWZ International and sold by Universal Plywoods is certified as Grade 5 according to SANS, however the only value which pushes the spruce down to Grade 5 is the “Compression perpendicular to grain”. All other values and characteristics will allow the Spruce to be certified as Grade 7 or even 10 according to SANS. We have asked Static Engineer Lukas Krbec (MC Frames) how to deal with lower value of Compression perpendicular to grain. Lukas says that a "slight disadvantage of lower local load-bearing capacity of the wood element can be eliminated by suitable local modification of the construction detail. One of the possibilities is the use of reinforcing screws, which ensure the distribution of local force along the entire height of the cross-section. There are, of course, other methods and the task of the designer/engineer is to choose the best solution for a specific case."

Timber as natural material has several specifics and at the same time offers many advantages which motivate architects, engineers and investors to build sustainably. We are happy to inform you, that Lukas Krbec, experienced static engineer, will be available to assist you with solutions of construction details, connections of timber and other materials and share his know-how with you.  

Static Engineer's contact details:
Lukas Krbec, lukas.krbec@mc-frames.co.za


Compression perpendicular to grain


Timber Instituce: Spruce & SA Pine comparison

Company address

4 Sedgemoor Road, Camps Bay

Office hours by appointment